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The explanatory texts for the questions were machine translated. More info

All explanatory texts were compiled in German and then machine translated. This may result in translation errors. However, this only refers to the explanations to the questions. The translations of the questionnaires were done by TÜV | DEKRA arge tp 21 and are exactly the same as the translations in the theory test. These translations are only available once you are logged in. All other translations on the website were done by a different translation agency.
Diese Frage wird am 01.10.2024 aus dem Fragenkatalog entfernt und ab dann auch nicht mehr geprüft werden.
Stoffgebiet Grundstoff
Error points 4

Frage-Nr.: 1.2.20-101
Sie nähern sich einem Linienbus, der auf Ihrer Fahrbahn in Gegenrichtung an einer Haltestelle hält und Warnblinklicht eingeschaltet hat. Worauf stellen Sie sich ein?

The StVO § 20 Abs. 4 prescribes: "(..) (4) Buses and designated school buses stopping at stops (sign 224) and having switched on the hazard warning lights shall only drive past at walking pace and only at such a distance as to preclude any danger to passengers The pace of walking also applies to oncoming traffic on the same lane, and passengers are not allowed to be obstructed, and if necessary, the driver must wait. "
Die Fahrgäste überqueren die Fahrbahn erst, wenn der Bus das Blinklicht ausgeschaltet hat
This should not be assumed in general. In addition, passengers are entitled to cross the lane before the flashing stops.
Fahrgäste wechseln die Seite der Fahrbahn, um den Bus noch zu erreichen
This must be guaranteed without hindrance. Therefore, the driver has to slow down to walking speed and stop, if necessary, to let the passengers pass.
Aus dem Bus aussteigende Fahrgäste überqueren unvermittelt die Fahrbahn
Both passengers entering and exiting must be able to cross the road in a smooth and unobstructed manner. Again, walking speed and if necessary stop.

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