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With Fü you'll pass the theory exam at the first attempt!

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The all-inclusive package for the theory exam

Pass the theory exam successfully

Are you currently learning to drive and want to prepare for your theory test? The online driving school questionnaire from Fü will put you in the right lane! Our driving licence learning system for all vehicle classes perfectly prepares you for the driving test so that you will pass the theory test on the first attempt. If not, you will get your money back!

You only need to set up a user account in order to study online with us for the driving test. That costs 29,99 euros for driving licence class B. You can find all prices hereat a glance. Would you like to take a commitment-free look at our learning system? Sign up for a free user accountnow!

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  • Ich habe am Montag mit 0 Fehler die theoretische Prüfung gepackt. Fand eure Seite und die geringe Anmeldegebühr absolut Klasse. Vor allem das ständige Wiederholen der falschen Fragen hat sich sehr positiv ausgeprägt! Michael B.
  • Der Termin war ganz genau der Richtige. Tolles Lernergebnis – werde ich weiter empfehlen. Hatte nur eine Frage falsch. Kerstin P.
  • Habe gestern die Theorie-Prüfung mit 0 Fehlern bestanden. Danke an euch! Ceylan K.
  • Ich wollte noch sagen, dass eure Seite echt super zum lernen ist. Ich fühle mich sehr gut vorbereitet! Nadine B.
  • Ich habe mit dieser Software wochenlang geübt und dank dieses Trainings fast fehlerlos bestanden! Sadekhe D.
  • Vielen lieben Dank - habe heute meine Prüfung beim ersten Mal bestanden!!! Eure Seite ist echt super!!! Thomas S.
  • Bevor ich auf eure Seite gestoßen bin, bin ich 3-mal durch die Theoretische Prüfung durchgefallen. Erst durch das umfangreiche Lernsystem und ihre sehr gute Struktur habe ich den kompletten Durchblick bekommen, der mir davor noch etwas fehlte. Heute habe ich dann endlich Dank dieser Hilfe die Theoretische Prüfung mit 0 Fehlerpunkten bestanden! Kristina D.
  • Habe heute meine theoretische Prüfung mit 0 Fehler bestanden. Danke und sollte ich mal noch einen Führerschein machen komme ich auf jedenfall auf eure Seite zurück Dominik W.
  • Your package is indeed excellent for learning for the theory exam in different languages. The price is affordable and the learning system is extremely user friendly. I passed my theory exam this morning! Sumangala
  • Just wanted to let you know that the service you offer is great. The service you provide is also simple, clean and efficient. Zero mistakes and passed the exam. Thanks! Mustafa U.
  • Wollte nur schnell DANKE sagen :-) Habe meine Prüfung gestern 07.05.14 beim 1. mal mit 0 Fehlerpunkten bestanden - in gerade mal 10 Minuten :-) Super tolles Lernsystem, besser geht es nicht! Tobi K.
  • Top-Vorbereitung für die theoretische Prüfung. Bei Bedarf kann man nach intensiver Vorbereitung in nur wenigen Tagen mit einem sicheren Gefühl in die Prüfung gehen! Martin E.
  • Fü ist die momentan beste computergestützte Vorbereitung auf die Theorieprüfung. Die Bedienung ist intuitiv und bugfrei, die Statistiken sind hilfreich und das Bezahlsystem schnell und unkompliziert. Der kostenlose Test lässt keine Wünsche offen; bezahlt und zufrieden mit Fü! Vielen Dank dafür! Tim B.
  • Für meine Prüfung habe ich nur ganze 8 Minuten benötigt - Und dann noch NULL Fehler gemacht! Sobald ich meinen Motorrad-FS mache, werdet ihr mich wiedersehen. Michael B.
  • I made the test today and have not scored a single fail point! All the questions from the exam (including the videos) were the same from those provided in this system. This system is great!! Thank you all! Filipe A.
  • Ich wollte mich bei euch bedanken. Ich habe endlich bestanden dank eures Lernsystem Fü! Ich werde euch weiterempfehlen. Vielen Dank! Aline D.
  • I invested only 2.5 weeks of studying for the driving theory examination and today I passed in my first trial! The website is indeed good and helped a lot! The way it prepares you to the exam is very effective! Thanks! Gonca B.
  • Ich habe heute meine theoretische Prüfung mit 0 Fehlerpunkten bestanden. Deshalb wollte ich mich für das gute Lernsystem bedanken, es ist wirklich empfehlenswert! Gregory N.
  • Ich habe am 3. März meine theoretische Prüfung mit null Fehler bestanden. Ihrer Seite sei Dank! Ich werde Sie auf jeden Fall weiterempfehlen. Frank F.
  • Danke liebes Team, habe meine Theorie mit 2 Fehlerpunkten bestanden =) Julia K.
  • Ich bin Ihnen sehr dankbar für Ihr Lernsystem, habe heute die Theorieprüfung mit 0 Fehler bestanden! Andy T.

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All features for a successful theory exam

Learn in German and in English or another foreign language

German + 12 other languages

Learn in German and one foreign language
English, Polish, Russian, Turkish, Romanian, French, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Croatian, Greek, Standard Arabic

Video-based questions of the exam

Video-based questions

With Fü you prepare yourself with the latest video questions. Changes of the list of questions are included immediately.

Smartphone-optimized learning


Take your digital learning sheets with you and learn anywhere, anyplace – at home with a PC or on the road with your smartphone or tablet: We optimized the visual design for small screens.

Learn efficiently for the theory exam

Learn efficiently

Fü knows your difficulties and adjusts the following questions sheets to your needs. This results in a very efficient learning curve.

No long-term subscription

No long-term subscription

We don't sell long-term subscriptions and keep our prices transparent and clear. Your contract with us ends automatically with the expiration of your purchased Time Ticket. We promise!

Learning with the latest official set of questions

Always up-to-date

We offer the latest official set of questions that is available! Newly published changes or extensions will be included immediately. So there will be no surprises for you at the exam!

All questions with formulas, videos, traffic signs and numbers

Learning & special sheets

All questions with formulas, videos, traffic signs and numbers set together! Learning sheets can be repeated as many times as you like.

Edit question sheets in fullscreen mode

Fullscreen mode

The fullscreen mode uses the whole size of your monitor. Just like in the real PC-Prüfung.

Official layout of the PC-Prüfung

Layout of the PC-Prüfung

Since we offer the official layout of the PC-Prüfung, you'll be able to get used to the common usage of it.

All license classes

All license classes

Online questionnaire for all vehicle classes! Whether a licence for a car, motorcycle, or lorry – here are the questions for the driving test in all licence classes – including both the basic and additional materials. Overview over all license classes

Online explanations to many questions

Information about every question*

You can find information to help you with each of the questions. Then you will understand why the answer is right or wrong. All of the explanations are also available in your selected language. See example

Including money back guarantee

Money back guarantee

Pass the theory test or get your money back! Everyone who practices with the driving test learning system tends to pass. If you don’t, then you get your money back! A point of honour!

* Including all questions for the car and motorcycle classes, which cover classes B, A, A1, A2, AM, and moped.

Prepare yourself online for the theory exam

With Fü you can prepare yourself online for the theory exam. Fü offers the official TÜV layout of the PC-Prüfung. This helps you to get used to the common usage of the interface, so that you will have no problems when it comes to the real theory exam. Another advantage of Fü is the implemented logic, which supports your individual learning issues. Difficult questions are recognized automatically and will be presented more often. That's a really efficient way of learning the questions in a short time. Our prices are low and we offer a money back guarantee if you should fail the exam.

Fü is much more than just another online learning system. The whole driver's license online learning system is tailored to your individual needs. All we want is to prepare you for the theory exam the best we can. Since a lot of people asked us to translate our system to English, we decided to do that. Unfortunately, the online textbook with explanations to most questions could not be translated and is only available in German.

Learning online is faster and much more successful

Our experience with Fü demonstrates it: Learning the questions for the driver's license online is a very efficient and successful way of preparation: Our money back guarantee has been used only a very few times since we started our business at the beginning of 2010. We estimate a success rate of 99%! In other words: Almost every learner that used Fü has passed the theory exam successfully at the first attempt!

Prediction of the theory exam date

If you decide to prepare yourself for the theory exam with Fü you will benefit from our special features that will support you in the learning progress. Just like our prediction of the best date for the theory exam. With each edited question sheet we re-calculate the date on which you should be prepared best for the theory exam.

Test simulations

Führerschein bestehen offers you the possibility of Test simulation in two difficulty levels. These test simulations are generated by taking account of your individual skills. A difficult test simulation will use especially those questions you had the most trouble with. This is a sort of of worst case scenario that you can simulate here. Consider the results as feedback regarding your current preparation state for the theory exam.