Führerschein-bestehen.de has a high claim of quality and stands for success, fairness and transparency. After your free trial, you can upgrade to the full version Führerschein-bestehen.de by purchasing a Time Ticket. As long as this time ticket is valid, you can use the system without constraints and prepare for your exam. After the validity of the Time Ticket, our license agreement ends with no further costs. If the usage time was too short for you, you can buy an additional Time Ticket. Of course, the current state of your account is kept.
After expiry of the purchased TimeTicket your contractual relationship ends automatically and there are no follow-up costs! If you have not had enough time, you can easily order a further Time Ticket. Your level of learning and knowledge achieved so far will be stored in the system and will of course be preserved.
The following prices result from class, language and period:
All prices including VAT
PayPal Pay by PayPal.Immediate activation as soon as you have completed the order and confirmed your email address. No waiting time.
Credit card Pay by credit card.Activation immediately after purchase (including the credit card payment) and confirmation to your email address. No waiting time.
Banking transfer Pay by banking transfer.Activation of the Time Ticket - within 24 hours as soon as we have received the amount on our bank account (can take 2-3 business days) or - within 24 hours on business days as soon as we receive a confirmation receipt. In any case the confirmation of your email address is obligatory.
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© 2024 Führerschein-bestehen.de · Führerschein-bestehen.de is not responsible for the content of external links.The online learning system for the driver's licence Test – also in Turkish, Russian, English and other languages!