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The explanatory texts for the questions were machine translated. More info

All explanatory texts were compiled in German and then machine translated. This may result in translation errors. However, this only refers to the explanations to the questions. The translations of the questionnaires were done by TÜV | DEKRA arge tp 21 and are exactly the same as the translations in the theory test. These translations are only available once you are logged in. All other translations on the website were done by a different translation agency.
Stoffgebiet Grundstoff
Error points 3

Frage-Nr.: 1.2.05-104
Wie müssen Sie einen Überholvorgang beenden?

§ 5 of the StVO requires: (4) If you want to avoid overtaking, you must behave in such a way that the endangerment of the following traffic is excluded. When overtaking, a sufficient lateral distance to other road users, especially pedestrians and cyclists, must be respected. The overtaking person must regain his right as soon as possible. He must not interfere with the overhauled. (4a) The overtaking and re-ordering shall be announced in good time and clearly; The direction indicators should be used. "
Dicht vor dem Überholten wieder auf die rechte Fahrbahnseite wechseln
The safety distance must be observed before, during and after the overtaking process. Therefore, it is important to ensure that there is always enough space to the rear of the vehicle that is being overhauled.
Ohne den Überholten zu behindern, so bald wie möglich wieder nach rechts einordnen
When overtaking, care must be taken to ensure that the endangered person is not endangered. In addition, the overtaking must after the overtaking process as soon as possible again to the right.
Das Wiedereinordnen rechtzeitig und deutlich anzeigen
According to the traffic regulations, the overtaking process must be displayed in good time and clearly beforehand by means of the direction indicator, so that other road users can adapt to it.

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