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The explanatory texts for the questions were machine translated. More info

All explanatory texts were compiled in German and then machine translated. This may result in translation errors. However, this only refers to the explanations to the questions. The translations of the questionnaires were done by TÜV | DEKRA arge tp 21 and are exactly the same as the translations in the theory test. These translations are only available once you are logged in. All other translations on the website were done by a different translation agency.
Achtung: Von dieser Frage gibt es mehrere Varianten!
Stoffgebiet Zusatzstoff B
Error points 3

Frage-Nr.: 2.2.22-122
Was haben Sie zu beachten, wenn Sie Ladung transportieren möchten?

Die Ladung
According to §22 StVO applies: "(1) The load, including load securing devices and loading devices, shall be stowed and secured so that they can not slip, fall over, roll over, fall down or generate avoidable noise even during emergency braking or sudden evasive maneuvers to note the technology. "
- darf in Form einzelner Stangen seitlich hinausragen
The load must not protrude laterally in the form of individual bars.
- muss gesichert sein
Only then you are allowed to transport cargo.
- darf keinen vermeidbaren Lärm verursachen
This must be ensured when transporting cargo.

Weitere Varianten der Frage:
Was haben Sie zu beachten, wenn Sie Ladung transportieren möchten?

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