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All explanatory texts were compiled in German and then machine translated. This may result in translation errors. However, this only refers to the explanations to the questions. The translations of the questionnaires were done by TÜV | DEKRA arge tp 21 and are exactly the same as the translations in the theory test. These translations are only available once you are logged in. All other translations on the website were done by a different translation agency.
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Stoffgebiet Grundstoff
Error points 3

Frage-Nr.: 1.2.12-103
Wo ist das Halten verboten?

An Taxenständen
Stopping at taxi stands is prohibited for several reasons: First, taxi stands serve to provide taxi drivers with a central location where they can wait for passengers. The available space should be kept free under all circumstances so that passengers can board at any time safely and without hindrance and the driver is not forced to obstruct traffic by parking in the second row. Second, taxi ranks are often placed in highly visible locations near transportation hubs to provide passengers with the opportunity to quickly find a taxi. If other vehicles were to stop in these locations, the flow of traffic could be hindered and potentially dangerous situations could be created.
Traffic sign 229: Taxi stand
Stopping is prohibited at this traffic sign.
Auf der Fahrbahn, wenn rechts ein geeigneter Seitenstreifen vorhanden ist
Stopping is prohibited on roadways with suitable shoulders, otherwise the following traffic will be unnecessarily hindered. Drivers behind could be surprised by stopping on the road and be forced to brake abruptly or even change lanes to avoid a collision. This can lead to dangerous traffic situations, for example when there is oncoming traffic. Hard shoulders are designed so that vehicles can stop there safely without affecting the flow of traffic on the road. So if there is a shoulder and there is enough space, you have to stop there and never on the road itself.
Road with shoulder
Hard shoulder to the left and right of the road.
Auf markierten Fahrstreifen mit Richtungspfeilen
It is not permitted to stop on lanes marked with directional arrows, otherwise timely division and channeling of traffic would no longer be possible. In addition, proper use and, for example, turning in a right-turn lane would be made impossible for following traffic. Stopping is therefore prohibited on marked lanes with directional arrows. This is the only way to maintain road safety and an orderly flow of traffic in accordance with traffic signs and markings. Parking in lanes marked in this way is also prohibited.
Two lanes with directional arrows
Parking and stopping are prohibited in lanes with directional arrows.

Weitere Varianten der Frage:
Wo ist das Halten verboten?

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